Choose a Hip Lift

The Conventional Hip Lift
The Best Fit for all females and most males
The conventional version of the Help ‘Em Up harness has a padded belly band and works great for all female dogs and 90% of male dogs.
The Conventional has two sturdy fasteners on each side for easy centering, an ergonomically designed belly band to fit under the pelvis, and neoprene-wrapped support straps to prevent chafing.
Male dogs whose penis is visible forward of their hind legs can wear the conventional hip lift, allowing them to urinate freely. We recommend this version for 90% of male dogs.

The whole penis shown here is forward of the hind legs - This dog will need the Conventional Hip Lift. In general, if any of the penis is visible in front of the hind legs when looking from a side view, the Conventional Hip Lift is the recommended style
The belly band should be positioned under the pelvic plate, to provide support for the hips and spine.

The U-Band Hip Lift
For male dogs whose penis is located farther back.
The U-shaped opening in the belly band provides clearance for those male dogs who may be prevented from urinating freely by the Conventional hip lift . These dogs have a penis that is located further back between their hind legs or the tip of the penis is even, or just slightly forward of their hind legs. The U-shaped opening helps them to urinate freely.

On 20% of male dogs, the tip of their penis starts farther back between their legs. The U-band shape provides an easy opening so they can urinate freely.The penis shown here is between or in-line with the front of hind legs. This dog will need the U-Band Hip Lift.
The aluminum armature used to create this opening is lightweight, ergonomically designed and padded so it provides easy clearance for urinating and is comfortable for male dogs when they are going about their daily activities.
Note: The Help 'Em Up Harness is sold as a front & back combination. Please do not use the Hip Lift by itself as it may slide off, possibly causing injury to your dog.